All Open Source Large Language Models

The biggest Open Source LLMs are at the top of the list. 

All LLM Directory is Made by → @johnrushx

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Why I built this Large Language Models List - All LLMs?

Hello, I'm John.

Throughout my life, I've been deeply involved in launching startups on a daily basis. My latest endeavor has been to compile a comprehensive list of LLMs available (All LLMs), aimed at serving two main purposes: to support developers of large language models by providing a platform to display their innovations to the world, and to assist those in search of high-quality large language models.

You can follow me on Twitter, where I regularly post about my startup experiences and engage in discussions on a wide range of subjects.

If you're also a creator in the startup world and in need of some guidance, don't hesitate to get in touch! 

John Rush


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